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JetBrains | Amsterdam
JetBrains | Amsterdam
JetBrains | Amsterdam
JetBrains | Amsterdam
JetBrains | Amsterdam


JetBrains moved its new office to the well-known building the “Terrace Tower” in Amsterdam, which has a BREEM Excellent rating. The new office concept perfectly matches JetBrains’ values and offers a sustainable working environment that promotes well-being, creativity, and work-life balance.

For this office, the unique “Office as a Landscape Concept” was conceived by D/Dock. The interior design combines landscape architecture. Each floor represents a different natural landscape, including deserts, forests, fields, and mountains.


Employees at JetBrains can personalise their workplace and set their rhythm for the working day thanks to personalised workstations and team rooms. Throughout the concept, the TEN single-glazed partition was chosen in combination with HPL doors and frame doors. Matching all the themes of the floors, the TEN glass partition can be seen in as many as ten different RAL colours. The TEN partition creates a spacious and open feeling in every office. It enhances the landscape experience in any office space even more! The TEN single-glazed partition bears the prestigious Cradle to Cradle Silver certification. As a result, the partition fits perfectly into JetBrains’ sustainable working environment.

Project | JetBrains | Plan Effect